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How to Hang Pictures and Art on Concrete Walls in 3 Easy Ways

  • by Arthur Harrison
  • 5 min read

Hanging stuff on concrete walls isn’t that hard, but why do people think it’s rocket science?

Okay, solid walls may seem pretty daunting to personalize, but that doesn’t mean you can’t. With the right tools and picture hanging hardware, you can hang just about anything on your walls. 

Today, we want to share 3 different and easy ways to hang pictures and art on a concrete wall. We will also explore a little bit about the different types of masonry hardware for future reference. 

Ready? Here’s what you need to know about hanging frames on concrete walls.

Three Easy Methods Of Hanging Art on Concrete Walls

There are 3 go-to methods of hanging picture frames and art on a concrete wall. Depending on the weight and size of your objects, you can use Adhesive Wall Hooks, Hardwall Hangers, and Masonry Screws.

Adhesive Wall Hooks

Adhesive  ZigZag picture hangers are ideally used for small pictures and lightweight art or objects. They have an adhesive backing that sticks firmly to the wall and can usually hold up to 6 pounds (with 2 hangers), depending on the brand being used.

 So, if you’re worried about drilling holes in the wall, adhesive wall hooks are perfect for you.

What’s even better is that they’re so easy to use, you’ll finish installing in just a minute. Here’s what you need to do: 

⚒️ How to Install an Adhesive Picture Hanger:

1. Be sure the surface is clean, dry, and free from grease or oil.

2. Once the area is dry from the clean-up, mark the wall where you will install the hanger.

3. Remove the paper lining at the back of the hanger, then press firmly. The adhesive is best activated if evenly rubbed or burnished with a hard smooth object.  Wait for 24-48 hours for the adhesive to get a good grip of the wall before hanging anything.

If your object is heavier than an adhesive wall hook’s capacity, you’ll need another type of picture hanger with a stronger hold.

Hardwall Hangers

Hardwall hangers, also known as hardwall plastic hooks, are concrete art hangers that are anchored on the wall with small metal nails. They work on concrete, cement, cinder block, thin plaster over concrete, small smooth brick, softstone, and hardwood. 

At Picture Hang Solutions, we have Small and Large Hardwall Plastic Hooks with a weight capacity of 20 pounds and 30 pounds, respectively. 

These are a step up from the adhesive wall hooks but equally easy to use. To install, you’ll only need a hammer and two minutes of your time.

⚒️How to Install a Hardwall Hanger:


1. Place the back side of a hardwall plastic hook against the wall using your thumb and index finger to hold it in position. Try to keep the hook firmly against the wall and as steady as possible.

2. Hammer all the pins into the wall simultaneously. Watch your fingers!

3. Stop hammering once the pins are all flush. Over-hammering will loosen the hook’s hold.

4. To remove, slide a thin blade between the wall and the back surface of the hook and pry the hook off gently. Discard any removed hooks; do not reuse.

For even heavier and larger frames, you will need something stronger like masonry screws.

Masonry Screws

Also known as Concrete Screws, these are reliable hangers used for concrete, concrete block, brick, and mortar. These little guys have a pointed end that drives straight into the concrete. Masonry screws are strong enough for hanging frames as long as its inserted 1 ¼ to 1 ½ inches deep into the wall to maximize their holding power.

Concrete screws and concrete walls might be an intimidating pair, but knowing everything about them is key if you want to hang picture frames with ease.  

To get started, here’s what you need:

⚒️How to Install Concrete Screws:


1. Figure out where you want to hang your picture or art. Mark the spot where the hole should be.

2. Prepare the drill by setting up the masonry drill bit in the correct size to the hammer drill. The drilled hole must be ½ inch deeper than the depth of the screw. This is to ensure that the screw won’t bottom out in the hole.

🔨 PRO TIP: To know when to stop drilling a hole, use a piece of tape to mark the drill bit about a half inch longer than the actual anchor.

3. Drill a guide hole at its lowest speed. Hold the hammer drill firmly and make sure it’s positioned perpendicular to the wall. Occasionally pull out the bit and blow out the dust using compressed air or a vacuum.

🔨PRO TIP: Ask a friend to hold the vacuum below the area you’re working on to directly suck the debris as you’re drilling.

4. Once the hole is free from debris, place the drill bit onto the guide hole again and drill at medium speed. Stop when the desired depth is reached.

5. Insert the masonry screw.

And just like that, you can now hang up your pictures and art on your concrete walls! 

Now we know that concrete screws sound terrific, however, they’re not the only hardware out there. There’s a whole section of masonry anchors and fasteners that you might want to know about for future reference.

Other Masonry Hanging Hardware

There are a lot of other masonry hardware that can hold more than just a regular picture frame. Sleeve Anchors, Drop-in Anchors, and Split Drive Anchors are just a few examples. These allow you to hang heavier items like large mirrors, paintings, shelves and many more. 

At Picture Hang Solutions, we offer masonry hanging hardware such as Concrete Screws, Brick Clips, Wall Dog Screws, Lead Anchors #10-#14, and Lead Anchors Extra T-Lock. 

Not sure what these are for? Here’s what you need to know.

  • Concrete Screws - These are 3/16” screws that have two variants: Phillips and Hex head. They are heavy duty screws that anchor objects to concrete walls quickly and securely.

  • Brick Clips - These hangers allow pictures or other items to be hung on a brick wall without actually drilling holes into the wall. They have a weight capacity of 25 pounds and they are only suitable for brick walls with recessed mortar joints. This is because the clip needs at least ¼ inch of the brick to protrude outward for it to hold on to. 

  •  Wall Dog Screws - These hangers are both a screw and an anchor in one. It can be used for drywall, plaster, brick and concrete.  Wall dog screws have aggressive threads thus having a stronger holding capacity than traditional screws.

  •  Lead Anchors #10-#14 - These are anchors that can fit #10 - #14 screws for installing on brick, concrete block, and concrete walls.

  • Lead Anchors Extra T-Lock - These are used for wood frames installed in brick or concrete walls. They are optional but it’s intended to keep frames stable, safe from theft and to prevent falling.

Learning about picture hanging hardware can be overwhelming at first but it gets easier to grasp over time. With your expanded knowledge of masonry hanging methods, you’d be itching to personalize your space as soon as possible.

Final Thoughts

So, it’s not as tiring as you thought, right? 

Concrete walls might seem so hard to get through but really, the key is just to have the right tools and the right concrete art hangers. Blank walls have so much potential to be a beautiful space; it would be a waste not to grab that opportunity.

What are you waiting for?  Grab your photos, art, and concrete hangers and let’s get to hanging!

5 Responses

Picture Hang Solutions

Picture Hang Solutions

February 09, 2023

Hi Kathryn,

Thank YOU! We hope this blog inspires you to decorate your home, and that it helped you in your picture and art-hanging journey. If you have some stories you’d like to share about picture hanging, we’re all ears and we’d love to hear them! So don’t hesitate to reach out to us anytime.

If you have other questions or concerns for us, feel free to send us a message. We’d be more than happy to assist you.

Picture Hang Solutions

Kathryn Bain

Kathryn Bain

February 09, 2023

Thank you!

Concrete Frame Contractors Davis CA

Concrete Frame Contractors Davis CA

September 25, 2022

Thank you for sharing this informative article about cement framing. I hope there are a lot of contractor owners who could read this and be guided accordingly.

Picture Hang Solutions

Picture Hang Solutions

March 06, 2022

Hi Trudy,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We would recommend drilling through a hollow cell of a concrete block (no filling and no rebar) and away from any corners and in situations where the load is concentrated. If you go for a vertical joint you fight the concrete block all the way through and the soft/hard nature causes the drill bit to buck and bind. A horizontal joint likely has wire reinforcement and suffers the same soft/hard problem as the vertical joint.

We hope this is of help to you.

Picture Hang Solutions

Trudy Shively

Trudy Shively

March 06, 2022

Is it better to drill into block or the mortar between?

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